



Turkish and Bodo Speaking countries

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1 Countries
1.1 Countries
Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Northern Cyprus, Romania, Turkey
Assam, India
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
Bhojpuri Speaking Countries
0 46
1.3 National Language
Assam, India
1.4 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not Available
1.5 Speaking Continents
Asia, Europe
1.6 Minority Language
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania
Not Available
1.7 Regulated By
Turkish Language Association
Not Available
1.8 Interesting Facts
  • Turkish language oldest written records are found upon stone monuments in Central Asia, in Orhun, Yenisey and Talas regions.
  • Turkish language was developed in the Middle East, streching all the way to Eastern Europe.
  • In ancient times, Bodo language was written using Assamese script and Roman script.
  • Bodo Language is written using Devanagari script since 1963.
1.9 Similar To
Azerbaijani Language
Dimasa language, Garo language, Kokborok language
1.10 Derived From
Not Available
Not Available

Turkish vs Bodo Countries

Comparing Turkish vs Bodo countries gives you idea about number of countries that speak Turkish and Bodo languages.

So we find that, total number of countries where Turkish is official language is 11 whereas total number of countries where Bodo is official language is 1

Find if Turkish and Bodo are Most Spoken Languages. Comparison of Turkish and Bodo speaking countries will give you the presence of Turkish and Bodo languages in different countries. Along with Turkish vs Bodo countries, you can also compare Turkish vs Bodo.

Turkish and Bodo as Minority Language

In Turkish and Bodo speaking countries you will get the countries which have Turkish and Bodo as minority language. The language which is spoken by minority of population in the country is called as minority language.

  • Turkish as minority language: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania.
  • Bodo as minority language: Not Available.

If you want to compare Turkish and Bodo dialects, then you can go to Turkish vs Bodo Dialects. Some of the official languages are also considered as minority languages.

Turkish and Bodo Regulators

Turkish and Bodo speaking countries provide you Turkish and Bodo regulators which are the official organizations that regulate them. Turkish Language Association regulates Turkish language.Bodo is not regulated. Also get to learn, Turkish and Bodo Language History.

Turkish and Bodo Continents

Thinking about Turkish and Bodo continents in which Turkish and Bodo speaking countries are present. Check out more information on Turkish and Bodo. Most of the Turkish speaking countries lie in Asia, Europe. While Bodo speaking countries lie in Asia. Continentwise, most of the languages belong to Asian Languages and African Languages. It's always fun to know about interesting facts of any language, so lets discuss about unknown facts of Turkish and Bodo languages:

Turkish Interesting Facts:

  • Turkish language oldest written records are found upon stone monuments in Central Asia, in Orhun, Yenisey and Talas regions.
  • Turkish language was developed in the Middle East, streching all the way to Eastern Europe.

Bodo Interesting Facts:

  • In ancient times, Bodo language was written using Assamese script and Roman script.
  • Bodo Language is written using Devanagari script since 1963.

The Turkish language was derived from Not Available and is similar to Azerbaijani Language whereas Turkish language is similar to Dimasa language, Garo language, Kokborok language and derived from Not Available.