1 Countries
1.1 Countries
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
2.3 National Language
2.4 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Namibia, South Africa
2.5 Speaking Continents
2.6 Minority Language
Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe
2.7 Regulated By
Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁) at the Ministry of Education
Die Taalkommissie, National Languages Committee
2.8 Interesting Facts
- In Japanese Language, there are 4 different ways to address people: kun, chan, san and sama.
- There are many words in Japanese language which end with vowel letter, which determines the structure and rhythm of Japanese.
- Afrikaans Language is a mixture of English, Dutch, German, French and some South African language like Xhosa.
- Afrikaans Language lacks case and gender distinctions.
2.9 Similar To
Korean Language
Dutch Language
2.10 Derived From
Not Available
Dutch Language
3 Alphabets
3.1 Alphabets in
3.2 Alphabets
3.5 Phonology
3.5.1 How Many Vowels
3.5.3 How Many Consonants
3.9 Scripts
3.10 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal, Top-To-Bottom
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
3.11 Hard to Learn
3.11.1 Language Levels
3.11.3 Time Taken to Learn
5 Greetings
5.1 Hello
こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa)
5.4 Thank You
5.6 How Are You?
お元気ですか (O genki desu ka?)
Hoe gaan dit
5.8 Good Night
おやすみなさい (Oyasuminasai)
goeie nag
5.10 Good Evening
こんばんは (Konbanwa)
5.12 Good Afternoon
こんにちは (Konnichiwa!)
Goeie middag
5.14 Good Morning
6.2 Please
お願いします (Onegaishimasu)
6.3 Sorry
ごめんなさい (Gomen'nasai)
6.4 Bye
さようなら (Sayōnara)
Not Available
6.5 I Love You
愛しています (Aishiteimasu)
Ek het jou lief
6.6 Excuse Me
すみません (Sumimasen)
Verskoon my
7 Dialects
7.1 Dialect 1
7.1.1 Where They Speak
7.1.2 How Many People Speak
7.3 Dialect 2
7.3.1 Where They Speak
7.3.2 How Many People Speak
7.5 Dialect 3
7.5.1 Where They Speak
7.5.2 How Many People Speak
7.7 Total No. Of Dialects
9 How Many People Speak
9.1 How Many People Speak?
128.00 million19.00 million
9.3 Speaking Population
9.5 Native Speakers
128.00 million7.10 million
9.5.1 Second Language Speakers
9.5.3 Native Name
9.5.5 Alternative Names
9.5.7 French Name
9.5.9 German Name
9.6 Pronunciation
/nihoɴɡo/: [nihõŋɡo], [nihõŋŋo]
9.8 Ethnicity
Japanese (Yamato)
10 History
11.1 Origin
11.3 Language Family
Japonic Family
Indo-European Family
11.4.1 Subgroup
11.4.3 Branch
11.5 Language Forms
11.6.1 Early Forms
Old Japanese, Early Middle Japanese, Late Middle Japanese and Early Modern Japanese
Cape dutch or kitchen dutch
11.6.4 Standard Forms
Standard Afrikaans
11.6.6 Language Position
11.6.7 Signed Forms
Signed Japanese
Signed Afrikaans (signs of SASL)
11.7 Scope
12 Code
13.1 ISO 639 1
13.3 ISO 639 2
13.3.1 ISO 639 2/T
13.4.2 ISO 639 2/B
13.5 ISO 639 3
13.7 ISO 639 6
13.9 Glottocode
13.11 Linguasphere
13.13 Types of Language
13.13.1 Language Type
13.14.2 Language Linguistic Typology
13.14.4 Language Morphological Typology
Agglutinative, Synthetic