1 Countries
1.1 Countries
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Slovakia
Bulgaria, European Union
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
1.4 National Language
Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia
1.5 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not spoken in any of the countries
1.6 Speaking Continents
1.7 Minority Language
Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia
Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine
1.8 Regulated By
Board for Standardization of the Serbian Language
Institute for the Bulgarian language
1.9 Interesting Facts
- Serbian language was derived from the Old Church Salvic, as the language was commonly spoken by most of Slavic people in the 9th Century.
- Serbian language is based on Stokavian dialect.
- The only Slavic language which has lost all its grammatical cases is Bulgarian.
- The first Slavic language to be written was Bulgarian in 9th century.
1.10 Similar To
Bosnian and Croatian Languages
Macedonian language
1.11 Derived From
Not Available
Not Available
2 Alphabets
2.1 Alphabets in
2.2 Alphabets
2.3 Phonology
2.3.1 How Many Vowels
2.6.2 How Many Consonants
2.7 Scripts
2.8 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
2.9 Hard to Learn
2.9.1 Language Levels
4.2.1 Time Taken to Learn
5 Greetings
5.1 Hello
Здраво (Zdravo)
Здравейте (Zdraveĭte)
5.2 Thank You
Хвала лепо (Hvala lepo)
Благодаря ти (blagodarya ti)
5.3 How Are You?
Како си? (Kako si?)
Как си? (Kak si?)
5.4 Good Night
Лаку ноћ (Laku noć)
Лека нощ (Leka nošt)
5.5 Good Evening
Добро вече (Dobro veče)
Добър вечер (Dobãr večer)
5.6 Good Afternoon
Добар дан (Dobar dan)
Добър ден (Dobãr den)
5.7 Good Morning
Добро јутро (Dobro jutro)
Добро утро (Dobro utro)
5.8 Please
Молим (Molim)
Моля (Molja)
5.9 Sorry
Жао ми је (Žao mi je)
Съжалявам (Sãžaljavam)
5.10 Bye
Довиђења (Doviđenja)
Довиждане (Doviždane)
5.11 I Love You
Волим те (Volim te)
Обичам те (Običam te)
5.12 Excuse Me
Извините (Izvinite)
Извинете ме (Izvinete me)
6 Dialects
6.1 Dialect 1
6.1.1 Where They Speak
Southeastern Serbia
6.1.2 How Many People Speak
6.3 Dialect 2
6.3.1 Where They Speak
6.3.2 How Many People Speak
7.2 Dialect 3
7.2.1 Where They Speak
Bulgaria, France, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia
7.2.2 How Many People Speak
7.4 Total No. Of Dialects
8 How Many People Speak
8.1 How Many People Speak?
8.70 million7.80 million
8.2 Speaking Population
9.4 Native Speakers
8.70 million7.80 million
10.7.4 Second Language Speakers
10.7.5 Native Name
српски (srpski) српски језик (srpski jezik)
български (bãlgarski)
10.7.6 Alternative Names
10.7.7 French Name
10.7.8 German Name
10.8 Pronunciation
Not Available
10.9 Ethnicity
11 History
11.1 Origin
11.2 Language Family
Indo-European Family
Indo-European Family
11.2.1 Subgroup
11.2.2 Branch
11.3 Language Forms
11.3.1 Early Forms
No early forms
Old Bulgarian, Middle Bulgarian, Modern Bulgarian
11.3.2 Standard Forms
Standard Serbian
Standard Bulgarian
11.3.3 Language Position
11.3.4 Signed Forms
Not Available
Bulgarian Sign Language
11.4 Scope
12 Code
12.1 ISO 639 1
12.2 ISO 639 2
12.2.1 ISO 639 2/T
12.2.2 ISO 639 2/B
12.3 ISO 639 3
12.4 ISO 639 6
12.5 Glottocode
12.6 Linguasphere
12.7 Types of Language
12.7.1 Language Type
12.7.2 Language Linguistic Typology
12.7.3 Language Morphological Typology
Not Available
Not Available