



Santali and Bodo

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1 Countries
1.1 Countries
Assam, India
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
About Spanish L..
Rank: 14 (Overall)
Rank: 14 (Overall)
About Bhojpuri Language
1.3 National Language
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal
Assam, India
1.4 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not Available
1.5 Speaking Continents
1.6 Minority Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not Available
1.7 Regulated By
Not Available
Not Available
1.8 Interesting Facts
  • Santali language was an oral language till nineteenth century.
  • Before the invention of Santali alphabets, Santali was written with the Bengali or Odia alphabets.
  • In ancient times, Bodo language was written using Assamese script and Roman script.
  • Bodo Language is written using Devanagari script since 1963.
1.9 Similar To
Munda Language
Dimasa language, Garo language, Kokborok language
1.10 Derived From
Not Available
Not Available
2 Alphabets
2.1 Alphabets in
2.2 Alphabets
About Tamil Lan..
Rank: 12 (Overall)
Rank: 25 (Overall)
About Irish Language
2.3 Phonology
2.3.1 How Many Vowels
About Thai Lang..
Rank: 3 (Overall)
Rank: 17 (Overall)
About Hebrew Language
2.3.2 How Many Consonants
About Hmong Lan..
Rank: 11 (Overall)
Rank: 15 (Overall)
About German Language
2.4 Scripts
Bengali, Devanagari, Latin, Ol Chiki, Oriya
2.5 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
Not Available
2.6 Hard to Learn
2.6.1 Language Levels
About Armenian ..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Bengali Language
2.6.2 Time Taken to Learn
About Chinese L..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Cebuano Language
3 Greetings
3.1 Hello
Henda ho
Not Available
3.2 Thank You
Adi Johar
Not Available
3.3 How Are You?
Cet’leka menama?
Nungni khabora ma?
3.4 Good Night
Boge Ninda
मोजां हर (Mwjang Hor)
3.5 Good Evening
Boge Ayup’
Not Available
3.6 Good Afternoon
Not Available
Not Available
3.7 Good Morning
Boge Setak’
मोजां फुं (Mwjang Fung)
3.8 Please
Not Available
अननानै (Onnanwi)
3.9 Sorry
Not Available
Not Available
3.10 Bye
Not Available
Not Available
3.11 I Love You
Not Available
अननाइ नों (onnai Nwng)
3.12 Excuse Me
Not Available
Not Available
4 Dialects
4.1 Dialect 1
(Sønabari) Western Boro dialect
4.1.1 Where They Speak
Bongaigaon, Kokrajhar
4.1.2 How Many People Speak
About Chinese L..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Macedonian Language
4.2 Dialect 2
Not present
(Sanzari) Eastern Boro dialect
4.2.1 Where They Speak
Not Available
Barpeta, Darrang, Kamrup, Nalbari
4.2.2 How Many People Speak
About Chinese L..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Dzongkha Language
4.3 Dialect 3
Not present
(Hazari) Southern Boro dialect
4.3.1 Where They Speak
Not Available
Assam, India, Nepal
4.3.2 How Many People Speak
About Swedish L..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Romanian Language
4.4 Total No. Of Dialects
About English L..
Rank: 1 (Overall)
Rank: 3 (Overall)
About Sanskrit Language
5 How Many People Speak
5.1 How Many People Speak?
About English L..
6.30 million
Rank: 66 (Overall)
0.60 million
Rank: 89 (Overall)
About Abkhaz Language
5.2 Speaking Population
About Croatian ..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Xhosa Language
5.3 Native Speakers
About Chinese L..
6.30 million
Rank: 59 (Overall)
0.60 million
Rank: 83 (Overall)
About Abkhaz Language
5.3.1 Second Language Speakers
About English L..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Finnish Language
5.3.2 Native Name
संथाली (sãtʰālī)
बड़ो (boṛo)
5.3.3 Alternative Names
Har, Hor, Samtali, Sandal, Sangtal, Santal, Santhali, Santhiali, Satar, Sentali, Sonthal
Bara, Bodi, Boro, Boroni, Kachari, Mech, Meche, Mechi, Meci
5.3.4 French Name
Not Available
5.3.5 German Name
Not Available
5.4 Pronunciation
Not Available
5.5 Ethnicity
Santal and Teraibasi Santali
Bodo, Mech, (Assamese)
6 History
6.1 Origin
20th century
6.2 Language Family
Austroasiatic Family
Sino-Tibetan Family
6.2.1 Subgroup
Not Available
6.2.2 Branch
Not Available
Not Available
6.3 Language Forms
6.3.1 Early Forms
No early forms
Not Available
6.3.2 Standard Forms
Not Available
6.3.3 Language Position
About Georgian ..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
About Chinese Language
6.3.4 Signed Forms
Not Available
Not Available
6.4 Scope
7 Code
7.1 ISO 639 1
No data available
Not Available
7.2 ISO 639 2
7.2.1 ISO 639 2/T
Not Available
7.2.2 ISO 639 2/B
Not Available
7.3 ISO 639 3
7.4 ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
7.5 Glottocode
7.6 Linguasphere
No data available
Not Available
7.7 Types of Language
7.7.1 Language Type
7.7.2 Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
7.7.3 Language Morphological Typology
Not Available
Not Available

Santali and Bodo Alphabets

Santali and Bodo Alphabets provides you with alphabets, vowels and consonants in Santali and Bodo. In Santali Alphabets there are 30 letters while in Bodo Alphabets there are 45 letters. To learn Santali and Bodo languages the very first thing is to understand and learn alphabets of Santali and Bodo languages. The Santali phonology consist Santali vowels and Santali consonants. After alphabets, words are to be learned and after words, phrases in that language. Take a look at Santali greetings vs Bodo greetings, where you will find numerous useful phrases. Find whether Santali and Bodo are Most Spoken Languages.

All Santali and Bodo Dialects

Most languages have dialects where each dialect differ from other dialect with respect to grammar and vocabulary. Here you will get to know all Santali and Bodo dialects. Various dialects of Santali and Bodo language differ in their pronunciations and words. Dialects of Santali are spoken in different Santali Speaking Countries whereas Bodo Dialects are spoken in different Bodo speaking countries. Also the number of people speaking Santali vs Bodo Dialects varies from few thousands to many millions. Some of the Santali dialects include: Mahali Bodo dialects include: (Sønabari) Western Boro dialect , (Sanzari) Eastern Boro dialect. Also learn about dialects in South American Languages and North American Languages.

Santali and Bodo Speaking population

Santali and Bodo speaking population is one of the factors based on which Santali and Bodo languages can be compared. The total count of Santali and Bodo Speaking population in percentage is also given. The percentage of people speaking Santali language is Not Available whereas the percentage of people speaking Bodo language is Not Available. When we compare the speaking population of any two languages we get to know which of two languages is more popular. Find more details about how many people speak Santali and Bodo on Santali vs Bodo where you will get native speakers, speaking population in percentage and native names.

Santali and Bodo Language Codes

Santali and Bodo language codes are used in those applications where using language names are tedious. Santali and Bodo Language Codes include all the international language codes, glottocodes and linguasphere.