1 Countries
1.1 Countries
European Union, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Transnistria, Ukraine
Andorra, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Latin Union, Spain, Valencian Community
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
1.3 National Language
Moldova, Romania
Andorra, France, Italy, Spain
1.4 Second Language
1.5 Speaking Continents
1.6 Minority Language
Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine
Aragon, France, Italy, Spain
1.7 Regulated By
Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, Institutul de Lingvisticǎ al Academiei Române (Institute for Li
Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, National Languages Committee
1.8 Interesting Facts
- Romanian language has distinct type of grammar and phonology compared to other Romance languages.
- The earliest text of Romance language was found in the year 1521.
- Catalan is 6th most largely spoken Romance language.
- Catalan went through a golden age in low middle ages, reaching a peak of maturity and cultural richness.
1.9 Similar To
French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and Italian Languages.
Spanish Language, Occitan Language, Italian Language, French Language
1.10 Derived From
2 Alphabets
2.1 Alphabets in
2.2 Alphabets
2.3 Phonology
2.3.1 How Many Vowels
2.3.2 How Many Consonants
2.4 Scripts
2.5 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
2.6 Hard to Learn
2.6.1 Language Levels
2.6.2 Time Taken to Learn
3 Greetings
3.1 Hello
3.2 Thank You
3.3 How Are You?
3.4 Good Night
3.5 Good Evening
3.6 Good Afternoon
3.7 Good Morning
3.8 Please
3.9 Sorry
3.10 Bye
3.11 I Love You
3.12 Excuse Me
4 Dialects
4.1 Dialect 1
4.1.1 Where They Speak
Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
France, Portugal, Spain
4.1.2 How Many People Speak
1.3 Dialect 2
1.3.1 Where They Speak
Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Turkey
1.3.2 How Many People Speak
1.12 Dialect 3
1.12.1 Where They Speak
1.12.2 How Many People Speak
1.13 Total No. Of Dialects
2 How Many People Speak
2.1 How Many People Speak?
28.00 million9.20 million
2.2 Speaking Population
2.3 Native Speakers
24.00 million4.10 million
2.3.1 Second Language Speakers
4.00 million5.10 million
2.3.2 Native Name
2.3.3 Alternative Names
Daco-Rumanian, Moldavian, Rumanian
Català, Catalán, Catalan-Valencian-Balear, Catalonian, Valencian
2.3.4 French Name
roumain; moldave
catalan; valencien
2.3.5 German Name
2.4 Pronunciation
[kətəˈɫa] (EC) ~ [kataˈɫa] (WC)
2.5 Ethnicity
3 History
3.1 Origin
3.2 Language Family
Indo-European Family
Indo-European Family
3.2.1 Subgroup
3.2.2 Branch
Not Available
Not Available
3.3 Language Forms
3.3.1 Early Forms
Old Catalan
3.3.2 Standard Forms
Standard Catalan, Standard Valencian
3.3.3 Language Position
3.3.4 Signed Forms
Romanian Sign Language
Signed Catalan
3.4 Scope
4 Code
4.1 ISO 639 1
4.2 ISO 639 2
4.2.1 ISO 639 2/T
4.2.2 ISO 639 2/B
4.3 ISO 639 3
4.4 ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
4.5 Glottocode
4.6 Linguasphere
4.7 Types of Language
4.7.1 Language Type
4.7.2 Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
4.7.3 Language Morphological Typology