1 Countries
1.1 Countries
European Union, Slovenia
1.2 Total No. Of Countries
1.3 National Language
Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia
1.4 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not spoken in any of the countries
1.5 Speaking Continents
1.6 Minority Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Austria, Hungary, Italy
1.7 Regulated By
Govenment of Goa
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
1.8 Interesting Facts
- Fr. Thomas Stevan wrote the first book in Konkani in 1651.
- Sahitya Academy recognized konkani as a language in year 1976.
- The Freising Monuments is the oldest preserved records of written Slovene from 10th century.
- The first Slovene book was printed in 1550.
1.9 Similar To
1.10 Derived From
Sanskrit Language
Not Available
2 Alphabets
2.1 Alphabets in
2.2 Alphabets
2.3 Phonology
2.3.1 How Many Vowels
2.3.2 How Many Consonants
2.4 Scripts
2.5 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
2.6 Hard to Learn
2.6.1 Language Levels
2.6.2 Time Taken to Learn
3 Greetings
3.1 Hello
3.2 Thank You
3.3 How Are You?
kaso assa?
Kako se imate?
3.4 Good Night
Rati Boren Zavonn
Lahko noč
3.5 Good Evening
Sanj Borem Zavonn
Dober večer
3.6 Good Afternoon
3.7 Good Morning
Dis Borem Zavonn
Dobro jutro
3.8 Please
3.9 Sorry
3.10 Bye
3.11 I Love You
hav tujo mog korta.
Ljubim te
3.12 Excuse Me
4 Dialects
4.1 Dialect 1
4.1.1 Where They Speak
4.1.2 How Many People Speak
4.2 Dialect 2
4.2.1 Where They Speak
4.2.2 How Many People Speak
4.3 Dialect 3
4.3.1 Where They Speak
4.3.2 How Many People Speak
1.3 Total No. Of Dialects
3 How Many People Speak
3.1 How Many People Speak?
7.40 million2.50 million
3.3 Speaking Population
3.4 Native Speakers
7.40 million2.50 million
3.7.2 Second Language Speakers
3.7.4 Native Name
3.7.5 Alternative Names
Konkan standard, Bankoti, Kunabi, North Konkan, Central Konkan, Concorinum, Cugani, Konkanese
Slovenian, Slovenscina
3.7.6 French Name
3.7.7 German Name
3.8 Pronunciation
[slɔˈʋèːnski ˈjɛ̀ːzik], [slɔˈʋèːnʃt͡ʃina]
3.9 Ethnicity
4 History
4.1 Origin
4.2 Language Family
Indo-European Family
Indo-European Family
4.2.1 Subgroup
Not Available
Not Available
4.2.2 Branch
Not Available
Not Available
4.3 Language Forms
4.3.1 Early Forms
No early forms
No early forms
4.3.2 Standard Forms
4.3.3 Language Position
6.1.3 Signed Forms
Indian Signing System (ISS)
Not Available
6.2 Scope
Individual, Macrolanguage
7 Code
7.1 ISO 639 1
7.2 ISO 639 2
7.2.1 ISO 639 2/T
7.2.2 ISO 639 2/B
7.3 ISO 639 3
7.4 ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
7.5 Glottocode
7.6 Linguasphere
No data available
7.7 Types of Language
7.7.1 Language Type
7.7.2 Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
7.7.3 Language Morphological Typology