1 Countries
1.1 Countries
Czech Republic, European Union
China, Kazakhstan, Russia
1.3 Total No. Of Countries
1.5 National Language
Czech Republic
Gambia, Kazakhstan
1.6 Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not spoken in any of the countries, Republic of Brazil
1.7 Speaking Continents
1.8 Minority Language
Austria, Croatia, Germany, Slovakia
Afganistan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, People's Republic of China, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
1.9 Regulated By
Institute of the Czech Language
Kazakh language agency
1.10 Interesting Facts
- The Czech language was known as Bohemian as early at 19th century.
- In czech language, there are many words that do not contain vowels.
- The Kazakh language can be written using a variety of scripts.
- Kazakh Language contains many words from Russian, Arabic, Mongol, Persian and other Turkic languages.
1.11 Similar To
Polish, Slovak and Sorbian
Turkish and Uzbek Languages
1.13 Derived From
Not Available
Not Available
2 Alphabets
2.1 Alphabets in
2.2 Alphabets
3.4 Phonology
3.4.1 How Many Vowels
3.5.3 How Many Consonants
3.8 Scripts
3.9 Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal
Right-To-Left, Horizontal
3.10 Hard to Learn
3.10.1 Language Levels
3.13.2 Time Taken to Learn
4 Greetings
4.1 Hello
Сәлеметсіз бе (Sälemetsiz be)
4.2 Thank You
Рақмет сізге (Raqmet sizge)
4.3 How Are You?
Jak se máš?
Қалыңыз қалай? (Qalıñız qalay?)
4.4 Good Night
dobrou noc
қайырлы түн (qayırlı tün)
4.5 Good Evening
dobrý večer
қайырлы кеш (qayırlı keş)
4.6 Good Afternoon
dobré odpoledne
қайырлы күн (qayırlı kün)
4.7 Good Morning
dobré ráno
қайырлы таң (qayırlı tañ)
4.8 Please
өтінемін (ötinemin)
4.9 Sorry
кешіріңіз (keşiriñiz)
4.10 Bye
4.11 I Love You
Miluji tě
Мен сені жақсы көремін (Men seni jaqsı köremin)
4.12 Excuse Me
Кешіріңіз! (Keşiriñiz!)
5 Dialects
5.1 Dialect 1
5.1.1 Where They Speak
Chodsko, Bohemia
5.1.2 How Many People Speak
7.2 Dialect 2
7.2.1 Where They Speak
Czech Silesia, Hlucin, Northeast Moravia
7.2.2 How Many People Speak
7.4 Dialect 3
7.4.1 Where They Speak
Czech Republic, Czech Silesia, Moravia, Slovakia
7.4.2 How Many People Speak
7.6 Total No. Of Dialects
8 How Many People Speak
8.1 How Many People Speak?
11.00 million11.00 million
9.2 Speaking Population
9.3 Native Speakers
11.00 million11.00 million
9.5.1 Second Language Speakers
9.5.2 Native Name
čeština / český jazyk
Қазақ тілі / Qazaq tili / قازاق ٴتىلى
9.5.3 Alternative Names
Bohemian, Cestina
Kaisak, Kazak, Kosach, Qazaq
9.5.4 French Name
9.5.5 German Name
9.6 Pronunciation
Not Available
[qɑˈzɑq tɘˈlɘ]
9.7 Ethnicity
10 History
10.1 Origin
10.2 Language Family
Indo-European Family
Turkic Family
10.2.1 Subgroup
10.2.2 Branch
Northwestern (Kipchak)
10.3 Language Forms
10.3.1 Early Forms
Proto-Czech, Old Czech
No early forms
10.3.2 Standard Forms
10.3.3 Language Position
11.3.4 Signed Forms
Czech Sign Language
Not Available
11.4 Scope
12 Code
12.1 ISO 639 1
12.2 ISO 639 2
12.2.1 ISO 639 2/T
12.2.2 ISO 639 2/B
12.3 ISO 639 3
12.4 ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
12.5 Glottocode
12.6 Linguasphere
No data available
12.7 Types of Language
12.7.1 Language Type
12.7.2 Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
Not Available
12.7.3 Language Morphological Typology
Fusional, Synthetic