India, Manipur
National Language
Bangladesh, Burma, Northeast India
Second Language
Australia, East Asia, North America, Southeast Asia, Western Europe
Not spoken in any of the countries
Speaking Continents
Minority Language
Czech Republic
Assam, Manipur, Tripura
Regulated By
Not Available
Not Available
Interesting Facts
- The vocabulary of Vietnamese language is influenced by Chinese Language.
- The only language in East Asia that uses the Latin alphabet is Vietnamese.
- Meithei Language is currently classified as a vulnerable language by UNESCO.
- The oldest document in Methei language was dated back in 8th century were inscriptions on the copper plate.
Similar To
Chinese Language
Bengali, Odia, Maithili and Meithei Languages
Derived From
Chinese Language
Not Available
Alphabets in
Writing Direction
Not Available
Not Available
Xin chào
Thank You
Cam on
Yamna nungaijare
How Are You?
Bạn khỏe không?
Nung_ngai_biribra adombo?
Good Night
Chúc ngủ ngon
Athengba Ahing
Good Evening
Chào buổi tối
Not Available
Good Afternoon
Chào buổi trưa
Not Available
Good Morning
Chào buổi sáng
Nongale haugatl
xin vui lòng
I Love You
tôi yêu bạn
Eina nangbu nungsi
Excuse Me
Xin loi
Not Available
Dialect 1
Northern Vietnamese
Where They Speak
Dong Bac, Haiphong, Hanoi, Red River Delta, Tay Bac
Burma, Laos
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Dialect 2
North-central Vietnamese
Where They Speak
Ha Tinh, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa
Bangladesh, India
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Dialect 3
Mid-Central Vietnamese
Meithei proper
Where They Speak
Hue, Quang Tri, Thua Thien
Bangladesh, Burma, Northeast India
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Speaking Population
Not Available
Second Language Speakers
Not Available
Native Name
tiếng việt (㗂越)
Alternative Names
Annamese, Ching, Gin, Jing, Kinh, Viet
Kathe, Kathi, Manipuri, Meiteilon, Meiteiron, Meithe, Meitei, Menipuri, Mitei, Mithe, Ponna
French Name
German Name
[tĭəŋ vìəˀt] (Northern)
[tǐəŋ jìək] (Southern)
Not Available
Vietnamese (Kinh) people
Meithei people
Language Family
Austroasiatic Family
Sino-Tibetan Family
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Early Forms
Pre-Vietnamese, Proto-Vietnamese, Archaic Vietnamese, Ancient Vietnamese, Middle Vietnamese, Modern Vietnamese
No early forms
Standard Forms
Standard Vietnamese
Standard Meithei
Language Position
Not Available
Signed Forms
Vietnamese sign languages
Not Available
Not Available
ISO 639 1
No data available
ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
Language Type
Not Available
Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
Language Morphological Typology
Analytic, Isolating
Not Available
All Vietnamese and Meithei Dialects
Most languages have dialects where each dialect differ from other dialect with respect to grammar and vocabulary. Here you will get to know all Vietnamese and Meithei dialects. Various dialects of Vietnamese and Meithei language differ in their pronunciations and words. Dialects of Vietnamese are spoken in different Vietnamese Speaking Countries whereas Meithei Dialects are spoken in different Meithei speaking countries. Also the number of people speaking Vietnamese vs Meithei Dialects varies from few thousands to many millions. Some of the Vietnamese dialects include: Northern Vietnamese, North-central Vietnamese. Meithei dialects include: Loi , Pangal. Also learn about dialects in South American Languages and North American Languages.
Vietnamese and Meithei Speaking population
Vietnamese and Meithei speaking population is one of the factors based on which Vietnamese and Meithei languages can be compared. The total count of Vietnamese and Meithei Speaking population in percentage is also given. The percentage of people speaking Vietnamese language is 1.14 % whereas the percentage of people speaking Meithei language is Not Available. When we compare the speaking population of any two languages we get to know which of two languages is more popular. Find more details about how many people speak Vietnamese and Meithei on Vietnamese vs Meithei where you will get native speakers, speaking population in percentage and native names.
Vietnamese and Meithei Language Codes
Vietnamese and Meithei language codes are used in those applications where using language names are tedious. Vietnamese and Meithei Language Codes include all the international language codes, glottocodes and linguasphere.