Mossi and Chinese
Burkina Faso
China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Taiwan
National Language
Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory coast, Mali, Togo
China, Taiwan
Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Republic of Brazil
Speaking Continents
Minority Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Indonesia, Malaysia
Regulated By
Not Available
Chinese Language Standardization Council, National Commission on Language and Script Work, Promote Mandarin Council
Interesting Facts
- Mossi languages use pitch to distinguish meanings.
- Mossi is the 2nd largest ethnic group in Ivory Coast.
- Chinese language is tonal, since meaning of a word changes according to its tone.
- In Chinese language, there is no grammatical distinction between singular or plural, no declination of verbs according to tense, mood and aspect.
Similar To
Dagbani Language
Not Available
Derived From
Not Available
Not Available
Alphabets in
Chinese Characters and derivatives
Writing Direction
Not Available
Left-To-Right, Horizontal, Top-To-Bottom
Kia ora
您好 (Nín hǎo)
Thank You
Laafi bala
谢谢 (Xièxiè)
How Are You?
Laafi beme ?
你好吗? (Nǐ hǎo ma?)
Good Night
Ne y yungo
晚安 (Wǎn'ān)
Good Evening
ne y zabre
晚上好 (Wǎnshàng hǎo)
Good Afternoon
Kia ora
下午好 (Xiàwǔ hǎo)
Good Morning
Ne y yibeogo
早安 (Zǎo ān)
Wend na kon-d nindaare
再见 (Zàijiàn)
I Love You
Kei te aroha au ki a koe
我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
Excuse Me
Y gafare
劳驾 (Láojià)
Dialect 1
Where They Speak
Burkina Faso
China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Where They Speak
Burkina Faso
China, United States of America
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Where They Speak
Burkina Faso
China, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Second Language Speakers
Not Available
Native Name
中文 (zhōngwén)
Alternative Names
Not Available
Not Available
German Name
Not Available
Not Available
Not available
1250 BC
Language Family
Niger-Congo Family
Sino-Tibetan Family
Western Sudanic
Not Available
Gur (Voltaic)
Not Available
Early Forms
No early forms
No early forms
Standard Forms
Standard Chinese
Language Position
Not Available
Signed Forms
Not Available
Wenfa Shouyu 文法手語 ("Grammatical Sign Language", Signed Mandarin (Taiwan))
ISO 639 1
No data Available
ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
No data Available
Language Type
Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
Language Morphological Typology
Not Available
Analytic, Isolating
All Mossi and Chinese Dialects
Most languages have dialects where each dialect differ from other dialect with respect to grammar and vocabulary. Here you will get to know all Mossi and Chinese dialects. Various dialects of Mossi and Chinese language differ in their pronunciations and words. Dialects of Mossi are spoken in different Mossi Speaking Countries whereas Chinese Dialects are spoken in different Chinese speaking countries. Also the number of people speaking Mossi vs Chinese Dialects varies from few thousands to many millions. Some of the Mossi dialects include: Ouapadoupou, Saremde. Chinese dialects include: Mandarin , Wu. Also learn about dialects in South American Languages and North American Languages.
Mossi and Chinese Speaking population
Mossi and Chinese speaking population is one of the factors based on which Mossi and Chinese languages can be compared. The total count of Mossi and Chinese Speaking population in percentage is also given. The percentage of people speaking Mossi language is 0.11 % whereas the percentage of people speaking Chinese language is 16.00 %. When we compare the speaking population of any two languages we get to know which of two languages is more popular. Find more details about how many people speak Mossi and Chinese on Mossi vs Chinese where you will get native speakers, speaking population in percentage and native names.
Mossi and Chinese Language Codes
Mossi and Chinese language codes are used in those applications where using language names are tedious. Mossi and Chinese Language Codes include all the international language codes, glottocodes and linguasphere.