Meithei vs Cantonese
India, Manipur
Hong Kong, Macau
National Language
Bangladesh, Burma, Northeast India
China, Guangdong
Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries
Not spoken in any of the countries
Speaking Continents
Minority Language
Assam, Manipur, Tripura
Regulated By
Not Available
Civil Service Bureau, Government of Hong Kong, Official Language Division
Interesting Facts
- Meithei Language is currently classified as a vulnerable language by UNESCO.
- The oldest document in Methei language was dated back in 8th century were inscriptions on the copper plate.
- Cantonese have lot of slangs, many of them include words that do not make sense at all and some also have English in them.
- Even though Cantonese and Mandarin are dialects of Chinese, Cantonese has 8 tones instead of Mandarin's 4.
Similar To
Bengali, Odia, Maithili and Meithei Languages
Chinese Language
Derived From
Not Available
Not Available
Alphabets in
Chinese Characters and derivatives
Writing Direction
Not Available
Left-To-Right, Horizontal, Top-To-Bottom
Thank You
Yamna nungaijare
How Are You?
Nung_ngai_biribra adombo?
Good Night
Athengba Ahing
Good Evening
Not Available
Good Afternoon
Not Available
Good Morning
Nongale haugatl
I Love You
Eina nangbu nungsi
Excuse Me
Not Available
Where They Speak
Burma, Laos
outside mainland China
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Where They Speak
Bangladesh, India
Hong Kong
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Dialect 3
Meithei proper
Hong Kong
Where They Speak
Bangladesh, Burma, Northeast India
Hong Kong
How Many People Speak
Not Available
Speaking Population
Not Available
Native Name
Kwang Tung Wa
Alternative Names
Kathe, Kathi, Manipuri, Meiteilon, Meiteiron, Meithe, Meitei, Menipuri, Mitei, Mithe, Ponna
Guangfu, Metropolitan Cantonese
French Name
Not Available
German Name
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Meithei people
Not Available
Language Family
Sino-Tibetan Family
Sino-Tibetan Family
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Early Forms
No early forms
No early forms
Standard Forms
Standard Meithei
Standard Cantonese
Signed Forms
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
ISO 639 1
No data available
No data available
ISO 639 2/T
Not Available
ISO 639 2/B
Not Available
ISO 639 3
No data available
ISO 639 6
Not Available
Not Available
No data available
Language Type
Not Available
Not Available
Language Linguistic Typology
Not Available
Not Available
Language Morphological Typology
Not Available
Not Available
Meithei and Cantonese Language History
Comparison of Meithei vs Cantonese language history gives us differences between origin of Meithei and Cantonese language. History of Meithei language states that this language originated in 1700 whereas history of Cantonese language states that this language originated in 17th century. Family of the language also forms a part of history of that language. More on language families of these languages can be found out on Meithei and Cantonese Language History.
Meithei and Cantonese Greetings
People around the world use different languages to interact with each other. Even if we cannot communicate fluently in any language, it will always be beneficial to know about some of the common greetings or phrases from that language. This is where Meithei and Cantonese greetings helps you to understand basic phrases in Meithei and Cantonese language. Meithei word for "Hello" is Khurumjari or Cantonese word for "Thank You" is 谢谢. Find more of such common Meithei Greetings and Cantonese Greetings. These greetings will help you to be more confident when conversing with natives that speak these languages.
Meithei vs Cantonese Difficulty
The Meithei vs Cantonese difficulty level basically depends on the number of Meithei Alphabets and Cantonese Alphabets. Also the number of vowels and consonants in the language plays an important role in deciding the difficulty level of that language. The important points to be considered when we compare Meithei and Cantonese are the origin, speaking countries, language family, different greetings, speaking population of these languages. Want to know in Meithei and Cantonese, which language is harder to learn? Time required to learn Meithei is 44 weeks while to learn Cantonese time required is 88 weeks.