ISO language codes are designed to represent most of the languages in the world. Meithei and Yoruba ISO language codes consists of ISO 639 1, ISO 639 2, ISO 639 3 codes. ISO 639 1 is the two letter code, while ISO 639 2 and ISO 639 3 are three letter codes.
Go through Meithei vs Yoruba alphabets to know number of alphabets, vowels and consonants.
You will find Meithei vs Yoruba glottocodes under the Meithei and Yoruba language codes. Meithei glottocode is mani1292 and Yoruba glottocode is yoru1245. Along with Meithei and Yoruba language codes, you can also check how many people speak these languages on Meithei vs Yoruba.
Explore more on Meithei and Yoruba language codes to understand more about these languages. Meithei and Yoruba language codes are unique and are used in wide range of applications. The language codes are mainly used in the computer and information systems. The ISO codes are set of international standards that are short unique representation for language names.