When you land up in the places where you don’t know the local language then it’s difficult to communicate. You should at least know how to say hello in Luri language to begin conversion. A very basic Luri greeting is hello. It's fun to compare greetings
Hello in Luri language is hello. It’s interesting to learn different Luri greetings. Hello is the Luri greeting which is suitable in any formal or informal situation. Here you can also check more About Luri Language.
In any language it’s important to learn how to say thank you and sorry in Luri. Find some common phrases in Best Languages to Learn below. Thank you in Luri is Thank you and Sorry in Luri is sorry. Luri greetings such as thank you and sorry are used in formal situations.
Want to wish Good Morning & Good Night in Luri? The Luri greetings like “Good Morning” or “Good Night” are useful to impress or catch attention of anyone around you. By using Luri greetings, we are showing respect to others in a very efficient way. Good Morning in Luri is Good morning and Good Night in Luri is Good night. To know more on similar greetings in other languages check , , .
Get to know here what is bye in Luri. Bye in Luri language is bye. In some languages, they say bye and in some they say good-bye.
Luri greetings help to communicate in different places at various situations. Here are some other Luri greetings which will be useful while communicating in Luri.