
How many people speak Oriya?

Oriya Oriya Oriya

How Many People Speak

How Many People Speak?
33.00 million 34

Speaking Population
0.50 % 29

Native Speakers
33.00 million 28

Second Language Speakers
Not Available 0

Native Name
ଓଡ଼ିଆ (ōṛiyā) 0

Alternative Names
Odisha, Odri, Odrum, Oliya, Uriya, Utkali, Vadiya, Yudhia 0

French Name
oriya 0

German Name
Oriya-Sprache 0

[ˈoɽia] 0

Odias 0

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Do you know how many people speak Oriya?

Different languages are spoken in different regions. Do you know how many people speak Oriya? 33.00 million people speak Oriya language worldwide. These ethnic group speaking Oriya is Odias and International Phonetic Alphabet IPA of Oriya is [ˈoɽia]. Find if Oriya is one of the Most Spoken Languages. How many people speak Oriya gives you total count of Oriya speaking population in millions and in percentage worldwide. Are you interested in finding the countries that speak Oriya, then check Oriya Speaking Countries and get to know all the Oriya countries.

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Oriya Speaking Population

Here you get to know how many people speak Oriya in percentage. The Oriya speaking population is 0.50 %. Oriya Speaking Population is the percentage of world population speaking Oriya language. Along with this, you can also find the dialects in Oriya spoken in various regions under Oriya Dialects. Chinese, Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world and is at the top place.

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Native Oriya Speakers

You will get to know second language speakers of Oriya language as well as native Oriya Speakers under how many people speak Oriya language. There is an estimate that there are almost 33.00 million native speakers of Oriya language. Some languages have relatively large populations of native speakers and on other hand some languages have small population of native speakers. There is no estimate available of people speaking Oriya as second language. The number of second language speakers mentioned in how many people speak Oriya are those whose native language is minority language of country in which they live. They learn the second language because it is official language of the country where they reside.

Native name of Oriya

How many people speak Oriya serves you with native name of Oriya language. The native name of Oriya is ଓଡ଼ିଆ (ōṛiyā). Native names are the local names for the languages. The native names of the languages are used by the native speakers of that language. The alternative names of Oriya are Odisha, Odri, Odrum, Oliya, Uriya, Utkali, Vadiya, Yudhia. The German and French names for Oriya language is as follows:

In some applications, instead of using language names they use language codes, check out the language code of Oriya on Oriya Language Codes.

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