
Amharic Alphabets

Amharic Amharic Amharic


Alphabets in
Amharic-1.jpg#200 0

33 15


How Many Vowels
7 4

How Many Consonants
31 21

Ethiopic 0

Writing Direction
Left-To-Right, Horizontal 0

Hard to Learn

Language Levels
3 2

Time Taken to Learn
44 weeks 11

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Know Alphabets in Amharic

For learning Amharic language it is necessary to know alphabets in Amharic. You have to know alphabets in Amharic to learn writing in Amharic language. Amharic alphabets are the building blocks of Amharic language. There are 33 characters in Amharic alphabets. Amharic alphabets are made up of Amharic vowels and Amharic consonants. The Amharic alphabets contain 7 vowels and 31 consonants. gives a comparison between Amharic and German alphabets.

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Amharic Script

Amharic script is also known as Amharic writing system or Amharic orthography. The set of visible signs used to represent units of Amharic language in a systematic way is called Amharic Script. The Amharic language uses Ethiopic i.e. Amharic alphabets are derived from Ethiopic script. The script decides the writing direction of the any language, hence the writing direction of Amharic is Left-To-Right, Horizontal. Learn Amharic Greetings where you will find some interesting phrases.

Is Amharic hard to Learn

Is Amharic hard to learn? The answer to this question is that it depends on one's native language. One should start learning Amharic language with Amharic alphabets and Amharic phonology.

Time taken to learn any language that is mentioned here is the approximate time required to learn specific language for the person who is proficient in English. You can also go through all Indian Languages and find if Amharic is one of the language of India.

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