
About Azerbaijani Language

Azerbaijani Azerbaijani Azerbaijani


Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Syria, Turkey 0

Total No. Of Countries
7 8

National Language
Azerbaijan, Gambia 0

Second Language
Not spoken in any of the countries 0

Speaking Continents
Asia 0

Minority Language
Not spoken in any of the countries 0

Regulated By
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 0

Interesting Facts
  • Even though Official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, the Business language is Azerbaijani, English and Russian.
  • Azerbaijan is known as “Land of Fire”, is country with unique culture and spellbinding history.

Similar To
Turkish 0

Derived From
Osmanly language 0


Alphabets in
Azerbaijani-alphabets.jpg#200 0

32 14


How Many Vowels
9 6

How Many Consonants
23 13

Latin 0

Writing Direction
Right-To-Left, Horizontal 0

Hard to Learn

Language Levels
Not Available 0

Time Taken to Learn
44 weeks 11


Salam 0

Thank You
Təşəkkür edirəm 0

How Are You?
necəsən 0

Good Night
yaxşı gecə 0

Good Evening
Axşamınız xeyir 0

Good Afternoon
Günortanız Xeyir 0

Good Morning
Sabahınız xeyir 0

lütfən 0

üzr 0

xudafiz 0

I Love You
Mən səni sevirəm 0

Excuse Me
Bağışlayın 0


Dialect 1
Derbent 0

Where They Speak
Russia 0

How Many People Speak
Not Available 0

Dialect 2
Gazakh 0

Where They Speak
Azerbaijan 0

How Many People Speak
Not Available 0

Dialect 3
Baku 0

Where They Speak
Azerbaijan 0

How Many People Speak
Not Available 0

Total No. Of Dialects
33 26

How Many People Speak

How Many People Speak?
26.00 million 39

Speaking Population
0.34 % 37

Native Speakers
23.00 million 34

Second Language Speakers
Not Available 0

Native Name
Azərbaycan dili / Азәрбајҹан дили / آذربايجانجا ديلي 0

Alternative Names
Azeri, Azari, Azeri Turkish, Azerbaijani Turkish 0

French Name
azéri 0

German Name
Aserbeidschanisch 0

[ɑzærbɑjdʒɑn dili] 0

Azerbaijani 0


16th Century 0

Language Family
Turkic Family 0

Turkic 0

Southwestern(Oghuz) 0

Language Forms

Early Forms
No early forms 0

Standard Forms
Azerbaijani 0

Language Position
38 30

Signed Forms
Not Available 0

Macrolanguage 0


ISO 639 1
az 0

ISO 639 2

ISO 639 2/T
aze 0

ISO 639 2/B
aze 0

ISO 639 3
aze 0

ISO 639 6
Not Available 0

azer1255 0

44-AAB-a 0

Types of Language

Language Type
Living 0

Language Linguistic Typology
Subject-Object-Verb 0

Language Morphological Typology
Agglutinative 0

Summary >>
<< Code

Know Alphabets in Azerbaijani

When you start learning to write in any language the Alphabets form a skeleton of any language. Let's talk About Azerbaijani Language, where you will learn the number of letter in Azerbaijani Alphabets. Every language has its own set of alphabets or characters so it is necessary to know alphabets in Azerbaijani. Azerbaijani phonology gives Azerbaijani vowels and Azerbaijani consonants. There are 9 vowels and 23 consonants in Azerbaijani language. Based upon the number of alphabet, vowels and consonants in the language we can check if Azerbaijani is one of the Most Difficult Languages. All about Azerbaijani language is given in detail in this section.

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All Azerbaijani countries

Want to explore all Azerbaijani countries? About Azerbaijani language serves you with all Azerbaijani Speaking Countries. Countries that use Azerbaijani as official language are called as Azerbaijani countries.

  • Countries that use Azerbaijani as their National Language are: Azerbaijan, Gambia.

Second language indicates to any language which the person learns in addition to first or native language.

  • Countries that use Azerbaijani as second language are: Azerbaijani is not spoken as second language in any of the countries.

You can also go through all European Languages and explore more about their speaking population, alphabets, greetings, dialects and many more.

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Learn Azerbaijani greetings

Languages are used by every human being to communicate. And communication begins with the greetings. First step to form any interaction is to learn Azerbaijani Greetings. Whenever you are travelling to new country where in you don’t know the local language of that country then you should at least be familiar with some greetings to start any formal or informal conversion. When we talk about Azerbaijani language, we are always interested in learning useful phrases in Azerbaijani language.Learn Azerbaijani greetings that can be used in formal situations:

  • Hello: Salam
  • Thank you: Təşəkkür edirəm
  • Good Morning: Sabahınız xeyir
  • Good Evening: Axşamınız xeyir
  • Good Afternoon: Günortanız Xeyir

All Azerbaijani Language Codes

Get to know all Azerbaijani language codes here. There are several languages spoken all over the world where in most of the languages have alternate names which come from diverse sources. All Azerbaijani Language Codes are assigned with unique code. There is usually two or three letters code for each language. In most of the applications, these language codes are used where it is tedious to use language names.

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